
I woke up about 8:35 this morning.
I found myself awake and saw a clock reading about 8:35.
I remember being awake without remembering being awake just before that and with a view of a clock reading about 8:35.
I had, I mean I remember having, a sense of seeing an image describable as a round thing with two radial arms of different lengths, a shorter one pointing about 240 degrees from vertical and a longer one pointing about 210 degrees from vertical.
That is, 240 degrees clockwise from vertical.
Central Daylight Time.

The cat almost tripped me when I stood up.
I almost tripped on the cat when I stood up.
I remember a sense of lost equilibrium and a pressure against my left ankle and seeing an image with black and white regions that I call "Luca the cat," while remembering the awakening at about 8:35 having been a few seconds earlier followed by tactile sensation of muscular effort moving from a supine position to a standing position.
That is, I remember remembering.
Left. Position.

I am not sure any more that it wasn't 8:45.
When I woke up.
I remember remembering that stuff about the clock reading 8:35 while not remembering being awake before a few seconds before I wrote this but now I remember the clock reading 8:45.

I don't care whether it was 8:35 or rather about 8:35 or whether it was about 8:45. Neither does the cat. Care.